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These days, it seems that everyone wants to get back to basics. We all seem to understand that one of the best ways that we can take care of our bodies and minds is to go with an all natural approach.

You may have heard of an amazing plant from Southeast Asia called kratom (sometimes called Ketum or Ithang). Kratom is known for its diverse and effective medicinal properties. Most commonly you will hear kratom talked about as a miracle cure for opioid addiction, but it has many other great uses as well, including:

  • Pain Management
  • Treatment for Anxiety and Depression
  • Stimulant
  • Insomnia Treatment

The reason kratom can be used for such diverse purposes is because it causes different effects based on the dosag that you take. If you take smaller doses of kratom, such as one to five grams, it will increase our energy and make you more alert, calm your appetite and increase your sociability and drive. A larger dose of kratom, such as a dose between five and fifteen grams) will produce effects like a calmer mental state, sleepiness, reduced pain, cough suppression and an overall reduction in symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

Can I Take Kratom for Anxiety?

More than 40 million people in the United States reportedly suffer from symptoms of anxiety. That is more than 18 percent of the population. Not only that, but half of all people who suffer from depression also suffer from anxiety as well.

Unfortunately we have all heard the nightmare problems associated with antidepressants. While they may work to control moods, they also can change one’s personality a bit and can even alter the brain physically! This can be absolutely terrifying to someone considering antidepressants as a medical treatment.

And of course, we all know about the lawsuits involving antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft.

Kratom can be used to treat anxiety and depression. In fact there are even specific types of kratom and kratom products that will work better to treat your anxiety and/or depression.

What is the Best Kratom for Anxiety?

The best kratom for anxiety is kratom that comes from the red colored strains. The red strains make the best kratom for anxiety because these strains are the best for relaxation purposes, which creates a calming effect.

For the best results try Elephant Kratom, known for its pain relieving, mood-enhancing, immunity and energy boosting effects. Grown mostly in Indonesian portion of the Borneo Islands, the plant has been used medicinally by locals for decades. It’s leaves are potent with alkaloids, which deliver terrific benefits for treatment of anxiety, overall health and well-being and much more.

Another great thing to try is Tianaa Red. This is a kratom alternative that is fabulous for calming your mind and easing anxiety. You can buy Tianaa Red online here

If you are looking for the best kratom for anxiety, try a red colored leaf strain and try a higher dosage as opposed to the one to five gram doses.

Smoking and Anxiety

Many people continue to smoke cigarettes because they feel that it helps them to control their levels of anxiety. If you find that you smoke more when you are anxious or you feel like you are dependent on cigarettes to control your anxiety then you should really try hempettes.

It is a really simple switch to go from buying cigarettes, to instead buy Wild Hemp Hempettes. You still get the same smoking sensation without all of the tar, nicotine and bad stuff that is causing so much damage, including carcinogens and free radicals which can cause cancer.

While you can’t just walk into the local convenience store and buy Wild Hemp Hempettes, you can buy Wild Hemp Hempettes here. Not only do they work as a form of replacement therapy for cigarettes, they also contain natural CBD and terepins that will help to relax your anxiety away!

Kratom as Medicine

Kratom has many medicinal uses including:

  • Appetite Suppression
  • Stimulant
  • Social Anxiety Treatment
  • Increased Libido
  • Pain Management
  • Insomnia Treatment
  • Reduction in Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal
  • Diabetes Management

If you are ready to start experiencing all of the benefits that kratom has to offer, you can get either a pill or powder form. The powder can be used in food or drinks, but if you want a tasteless way to take it, buy Captain LA Kratom capsules. You can buy Captain LA Kratom capsules here.

Capsules usually come in 5 gram pills, so when you buy Captain LA Kratom capsules, it will be simple to take the perfect size dose for you!

Captain LA Kratom Wholesale

If you are interested in continually using one product or you would like Captain LA Kratom in your business, you will want to consider Captain LA Kratom wholesale. Captain LA Kratom wholesale is one of the largest wholesale suppliers of kratom in the United States. For product and pricing information visit Captain LA Kratom wholesale here.

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